At Camp BTC, we invite our campers to be inspired by a special guest or to explore the world around us through our weekly field trips. Then we allow our campers to connect and bring their imagination to life by offering weekly projects that utilize different mediums including traditional art materials as well as recycled or reused surpluses from factories.
There will be various activities and games that will foster connection, community, and friendship that will provide a chance for our campers to earn badges. Aside from the prizes that will be available for the campers to win with the tickets they earn from scavenger hunt walks around the
neighborhood, the
camper who earns the most badges each week will get to pie their selected counselor!
We ensure that all activities create a FUN atmosphere while inserting various academic core standards. We give out Brain Badges to those who can remember facts and answer questions that relate to facts presented by our special guests. Literacy is also nurtured at camp as we offer daily campfire stories to foster a love for reading. Lastly, weekly projects are offered so they can have a creative space to apply what they learned. Learning within the context and having FUN is the most effective way to nurture a love for learning and discovery. At Camp BTC, everything we do is connected to a bigger picture.